Range of Application

Surface: 5400 m2
Volume: 54000 m3
Kind of hall: Factory building for the production of LDPE and similar products
Required room temperature: 22 °C
Total installed capacity: 480 kW/ 180 kW
Type of installed heaters:
1st building (4500 m2/ 45’000 m3): 3 RoofVent condens, 5 TopVent commercial GA
2nd building (900 m2/ 9000 m3): 3 TopVent commercial GA
RoofVent condens: supply and extract air handling unit with condensing gas boiler for heating high spaces
TopVent commercial GA: gas-fired roof unit for ventilating and heating high spaces
Extra installed air recirculation: 78400 m3
Manufacturer: Hovalwerk AG
Description of the project: LOTOS Group is a Polish based company specialized in oil production, oil processing and the trade of products. Their newly built factory in Jaslo, Southern Poland, produces LDPE (polyethylene foil) and similar products, which are used for roof isolation and like purposes. In two different halls, Hoval installed altogether 8 TopVent commercial GA units and three RoofVent condens units. The TopVent units will compensate air extractions caused by other appliances and machines. The RoofVent units will mainly be used for ventilation and heating during non-working hours, i.e. when there are no heat gains from production processes.