Range of Application

Surface: 2.050 m²
Volume: 42.025 m³
Kind of hall: Production hall
Required room temperature: 18 °C
Total installed capacity: 2 x 150 kW
Type of installed heaters: 2 x LK Warm Air Heater with condensing technology, Type: RBW 150. Each unit has a heating capacity of 35-150 kW and an airflow of 12.000 – 18.000 m³/h
Special features:
- Warm air heater with continously variable fresh air intake by an outside air duct through the roof
- Recirculated air mixing system
- Mesh filter
- Condensing technology with an efficiency of up to 106% (related to the lower heating value)
Manufacturer: LK Metallwaren GmbH
Description of the project: Production hall for the manufacture of complete drive solutions for the steel industry.

Huber Technology GmbH
Surface: 18.500 m²
Volume: 176.472 m³
Kind of hall: Production hall
Required room temperature: 18 °C
Total installed capacity: 10 x 325 kW
Type of installed heaters: 10 x LK Warm Air Heater, Type: RE 325 P – Each unit has a heating capacity of 325 kW and an airflow of 25.000 m³/h. The efficiency is over 94%.
Special features:
- Warm air heater with continously variable fresh air intake
- Automatic cooling in summer and during the night
- Mesh filter
- Thermally controlled air distributor
Manufacturer: LK Metallwaren GmbH
Description of the project: Production hall for mechanical and plant engineering in stainless steel.

IPT-Pergande GmbH
Surface: 4.716 m²
Volume: 56.600 m³
Kind of hall: Production and storage hall
Required room temperature: 18 °C
Total installed capacity: 3 x 175 kW
Type of installed heaters: 3x LK Warm Air Heater with condensing technology, Type: RBW 175 – Each unit has a heating capacity of 35-175 kW and an airflow of 12.000 – 18.000 m³/h.
Special features:
- Warm air heater with continously variable fresh air intake by an outside air duct through the roof
- Mesh filter
- Recirculated air mixing system
- Condensing technology with an efficiency of up to 106% (related to the lower heating value)
Manufacturer: LK Metallwaren GmbH
Description of the project: Production and storage hall for the manufacture of innovative particle technology.

Leupold GmbH & Co. KG
Surface: 12.240 m²
Volume: 91.800 m³
Kind of hall: Production and storage hall
Required room temperature: 18 °C
Total installed capacity: 6 x 175 kW
Type of installed heaters: 6x LK Warm Air Heater, Type: RE 325 P – Each unit has a heating capacity of 175 kW and an airflow of 15.000 m³/h. The efficiency is over 94%.
Special features:
- Warm air heater with continously variable fresh air intake by an outside air duct through the roof
- Automatic cooling in summer and during the night
- Air filter G4
- Heat recovery of the waste heat of the compressor
Manufacturer: LK Metallwaren GmbH
Description of the project: Production and storage hall for offset printing for the production of high-quality Packaging materials.

Surface: 5.472 m²
Volume: 74.900 m³
Kind of hall: Production hall
Required room temperature: 18 °C
Total installed capacity: 3 x 200 kW
Type of installed heaters: 3x LK Warm Air Heater, Type: RE 200 eco. – Each unit has a heating capacity of 200 kW and an airflow of 17.500 m³/h. The efficiency is over 94%.
Special features:
- Warm air heater with continously variable fresh air intake by an outside air duct through the roof
- Automatic cooling in summer and during the night
- Mesh filter
- Thermally controlled air distributor
Manufacturer: LK Metallwaren GmbH
Description of the project: Production hall for drive technology.

Witron Logistik und Informatik GmbH
Surface: 27.600 m²
Volume: 262.000 m³
Kind of hall: Production and storage hall
Required room temperature: 18 °C
Total installed capacity: 12 x 175 kW
Type of installed heaters: Installation of 12 x LK Warm Air Heater with condensing technology , Type: RBW 175 – Each unit has a heating capacity of 35-175 kW and an airflow of 12.000 – 18.000 m³/h.
Special features:
- Warm air heater with continously variable fresh air intake by an outside air duct through the roof
- Recirculated air mixing system
- Condensing technology with an efficiency of up to 106% (related to the lower heating value)
Manufacturer: LK Metallwaren GmbH
Description of the project: Production and storage hall for the manufacture of storage systems and storage technology.

Leisslinger Mineralbrunnen
Surface: 8000 m2
Volume: 60000 m3
Kind of hall: Two marquees for storage of goods (Mineral water)
Required room temperature: 12 °C
Total installed capacity: 8 X 300 kW
Type of installed heaters:
- Installation of 8x Nordluft Warm Air Heater NL-A 340.
- Each Heater has a heating capacity of 300 kW and an air volume of 23.400 m³/h.The efficiency is over 92%.
- The air distribution is effected by jet nozzles.
- This jet nozzles have a throwing range by 60mtr.
Extra installed air recirculation: m3
Special features: The heating system has to make sure, that the room temperature inside of the marquees will be 12°C or higher and it has to make sure, that no snow will lay on the tent roof.
Manufacturer: Nordluft
Description of the project: Warehouse of mineral water for LIDL.

Rabe Werke
Surface: 8600 m2
Volume: 69000 m3
Kind of hall: Production Hall for agricultural equipment and agricultural machines.
Required room temperature: 16 °C
Total installed capacity: 3 X 450 kW & 1 X 230 kW
Type of installed heaters: 3x Nordluft Warm Air Heater NL-A 500. Each Heater has a heating capacity of 450 kW and an air volume of 35.000 m³/h.The efficiency is over 93%. 1x Nordluft Warm Air Heater NL-A 250.This Heater has a heating capacity of 230 kW and an air volume of 18.400 m³/h. The effiency is over 92%.
Extra installed air recirculation: m3
Special features: Replace the old Air Heater from the end of the sixties.
Manufacturer: Nordluft GmbH & Co KG, D-49393 Lohne
Description of the project: Four old production halls to replace the old Air Heater

Surface: 1020 m2
Volume: 10600 m3
Kind of hall: Production hall for manufacturing systems engineering
Required room temperature: 18 °C
Total installed capacity: 1 X 450 kW
Type of installed heaters: Installation of one Nordluft Warm Air Heater NL-A 500.The Heater has a heating capacity of 450 kW and an air volume of 35.000 m³/h.The efficiency is over 93%. The air distribution is effected by a air duct with twelve air outlets.
Extra installed air recirculation: m3
Special features: The sound Level have to be very quiet in this buildung. we installed a lot of big silencer in the air duct. Air Filter – Systems.
Manufacturer: Nordluft GmbH & Co KG, D-49393 Lohne
Description of the project: New Building of a Productionhall

Lubminer Korrisionsschutz
Surface: 5400 m2
Volume: 72000 m3
Kind of hall: Sprayhall, Painting Hall
Required room temperature: 15 °C
Total installed capacity: 6 X 616 kW
Type of installed heaters: 6x Nordluft – NL -TKA – 4 – 230.K – Each Heater has a heating capacity of 230 kW and an air volume of 40.000 m³/h (supply air and exhaust air). 6x Nordluft Heat Recovery system.
Each System has 386 kW capacity (67% efficiency) from the supply air. 6x Elco G03.300 Duo Plus modulating natural-gas burner. Power-range 100-300 kW.
Special features: Working with high-Performance heat recovery systems, this system used over 67% from the supply air. The extraction of air works with mobile exhaust filter and multi-stage Paint-Stop-Filter. Contribution of the supply air with jet nozzles.
Manufacturer: Nordluft GmbH & Co KG, D-49393 Lohne
Description of the project: Three big spray halls (painting halls) for hulls(underneath from a ship).

Henniges Automotive
Surface: 20 m2
Volume: 50 m3
Kind of hall: Automobile heating tunnel
Required room temperature: 70 °C
Total installed capacity: 1 X 150 kW
Type of installed heaters: 1x nordluft NL-A 170.K35
The Heater has a heating capacity of 150 kW and an air volume of 11.800 m³/h. The effiency is over 95%.. 1x Weishaupt modulating Gas-Burner WG 10 ZM-LN.
Special features: In the channel are alltogehter 60 air culvert. We have to make sure, that the supply air will reach every clearance between the glass panels. There has to be always the same temperature and air volume.
Manufacturer: nordluft GmbH & Co KG, D-49393 Lohne
Description of the project: We create a kind of passagechannel for car windows and heat with direct-heating air duct system. An air-circulation-mode with continuously variable ambient-air-blend.